Denmark, Copenhagen Police Registrations, 1890-1923
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Keresés a következőben Denmark, Copenhagen Police Registrations, 1890-1923
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Denmark, Copenhagen Police Registrations, 1890-1923
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Beginning in 1890, all residents of Copenhagen age 10 and older were required to file a registration form with the police. Young adults received their own form at 14 years old while married women and children ages 10-13 were included on the form of the husband/father. Registration forms included residents’ names, dates of birth, places of birth, occupations, and addresses.<br><br><p>Registrations were updated to contain the most up-to-date information on Copenhagen’s citizenry. All new residents were required to register upon moving into Copenhagen. Already-registered residents were required to update their registration every time their address changed, a child turned 14, or a woman was divorced or widowed. Some Frederiksberg addresses were recorded on registration forms due to people moving between Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. During the period police registration was required, 1.9 million people were recorded at 4.2 million addresses. Police registration was replaced by civil registration in 1923.</p><br><p><a href="" target="">Original police registration forms have been digitized and made searchable by the Copenhagen City Archives.</a></p>
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Arnold Peter (A.P.) MøllerCopenhagen, Denmark
Arnold Peter (A. P.) Møller was born 2 October 1876 in Dragør, Denmark, near Copenhagen. He and his father, Peter Mærsk Møller founded a steamship company called Dampskibsselskabet Svendborg in 1904. He would later found a second steamship company in 1912, Dampskibsselskabet af 1912. These two companies eventually became A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (known as Maersk), which is the largest container shipping company in the world.