New Hampshire Newspapers, 1869-2008
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New Hampshire Newspapers, 1869-2008
633 904 oldal a 7 újság címben
This collection is a compendium of newspapers published in various cities and towns in the state of New Hampshire from 1869 until 2008. Newspapers are an important resource for genealogy and family history research as they contain obituaries and other vital record substitutes such as birth, marriage, and death notices. Additionally, society pages and stories of local interest contain rich information on activities and events in the community and often provide details about the persons involved.<br><br>Before vital records were recorded by city, county, or state governments, local newspapers often published articles listing or detailing these events. Obituaries contain vital and biographical information on the decedent but also on his or her family and relatives.<br><br>Society pages began as a way to entice readers with gossip and news about the wealthy and famous but soon evolved to cover the goings-on of “average” citizens. An incredible array of information can be discovered in these society pages or sections from seemingly mundane notices and reports on events such as parties, job changes, hospital stays, and social visits by friends or relatives. These pages are a source of historical events that are unlikely to exist in any other record.<br><br>Coverage and completeness in this collection varies by title.
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Ralph H. BaerNashua, New Hampshire
Ralph Henry Baer (1922-2014) was an inventor and electrical engineer. Born in Germany, he and his family immigrated to the United States in 1938. Baer studied electronics, radio, and television technologies and spent most of his career in Nashua working for a defense contractor. He is credited as the inventor of the home video game console with more than 50 worldwide patents.